Oregon’s Recycling Modernization Act updates and overhauls state recycling system


On January 1, 2022, Oregon’s Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act (now known as the RMA) became law. This Act creates a more stable, consistent and affordable recycling system throughout Oregon. One of the key elements of the RMA creates manufacturer responsibility for product packaging, making it so the producers of paper and plastic packaging products have to help pay for modernization of Oregon’s outdated recycling system. The law also creates a statewide list of what can be recycled curbside and expands recycling services to underserved communities, including rural areas.

Oregon Legislature passes Recycling Modernization Act

Manufacturers and producers have long known that much of the packaging they market to consumers is not readily recyclable. Several types of plastic, for example, are either too difficult to recycle or cannot be recycled at all — even though they are stamped with the chasing arrows recycling symbol, implying recyclability.

The Oregon Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act holds producers responsible for the packaging they put on the market and makes them help pay for recycling system improvements across the state. The goal is that by holding packaging manufacturers accountable for the environmental damage their products create, the more likely they’ll be to use materials that are environmentally sustainable — ultimately reducing or removing unnecessary packaging.

The law also calls for development of a list of what can be recycled at the curb, providing clarity for consumers and putting all Oregon recycling programs — including Rogue Disposal & Recycling — on the same page. Providing a definitive list of which materials are accepted for recycling will also help customers keep non-recyclable items out of the recycling stream, improving overall recycling quality.

What’s more, the law establishes a Truth in Labeling Taskforce to study and evaluate misleading claims about the true recyclability of different packaging products. Countless numbers of everyday products currently on the market tout labeling that says it’s recyclable, when in reality it’s not.

Rogue Waste is honored to have been an integral part of this Act since its initial phase. During the three-year-long Recycling Steering Committee process convened by Oregon DEQ in 2018, Rogue Waste directly represented the unique interests and experiences of southern Oregon residents and communities. This 16-member stakeholder group was tasked with finding solutions to the problems plaguing Oregon’s recycling stream. The results of this group’s work created the policy framework that became Senate Bill 582, now Oregon’s Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act. Now that the RMA has become law, Rogue Waste has continued to play a direct role in implementation of the RMA, serving on a DEQ Technical Workgroup that’s working on data and recommendations to inform establishment of the uniform statewide collection list. In addition, the Oregon governor appointed a representative from Rogue Waste to the newly established Oregon Recycling System Advisory Council (ORSAC) — filling one of just four recycling industry positions on the council. Over the next few years, this group will work to bring many of the programs called for by the RMA online.